I need help on these four questions. I was sick from class one day and now I am very confused about what is happening in Romeo and Juliet. Here are the questions in need help with:

15. A foil is a character that highlights, through sharp contrast, another character's personality Who serves as a foil for Juliet in Act One? How are they different?
16. What conflicts are set up in Act One?
17. How does this Act set the stage for the rest of the play?
18. What primary characters do we meet and what do we learn about them?
19. What conflicts are revealed that may become even more problematic later?
20. What problems are hinted at that could arise later?

Sure, I'd be happy to help you with these questions about Romeo and Juliet. Let's go through each question and I'll explain how to find the answers.

15. To find out who serves as a foil for Juliet in Act One and how they are different, you will need to read Act One of the play. Look for a character who contrasts with Juliet in terms of personality, behavior, or characteristics. Pay attention to their interactions and how they highlight each other's differences.

16. To identify the conflicts set up in Act One, you will need to analyze the events and interactions between the characters. Look for instances of tension, disagreement, or opposition. Pay attention to the conflicts between the Capulets and the Montagues, as well as any internal conflicts among the characters.

17. Understanding how Act One sets the stage for the rest of the play requires examining the key events and themes introduced in this act. Look for elements that lay the foundation for the conflicts and relationships that will unfold in the later acts. Consider the introduction of the feuding families, the romance between Romeo and Juliet, and any foreshadowing or significant events that occur.

18. To determine the primary characters introduced in Act One and what we learn about them, you will need to closely observe the interactions and dialogue of the characters. Take note of their names, roles, and relationships to other characters. Look for details about their personalities, motivations, and desires that are revealed through their actions and words.

19. To identify the conflicts that are revealed in Act One and may become problematic later, carefully analyze the events and dialogue that hint at potential future conflicts. Pay attention to any unresolved tensions, unresolved problems, or foreshadowing of conflicts that may escalate as the play unfolds.

20. To uncover the problems that are hinted at and could arise later in the play, carefully examine the events, dialogue, and foreshadowing in Act One. Look for any indications of impending trouble or obstacles that the characters may face. Consider the actions and words of the characters and any predictions or hints given by the narrative. These indications can help you anticipate possible problems that may arise later in the play.

Remember, to fully understand the play and answer these questions, it is important to read and analyze Act One of Romeo and Juliet.