can you please help me with this problem:

30y2^ + 60y + 300 = 5y2^ + 120y -24

25y - 60y + 324 = 0
used the quadratic equation (used the square root)
x = -60 (60)2^ - 4(25)(324) / 50
x = -60 (3600 + 32,400)/50
x = -60 +or minus(-28,800) / 50

x = -60 + 169.706 / 50 = 109.706/50
x = 2.19

x = -60 - 169.706 / 50 = -229.706 / 50
x = -4.59

I tried to show of my work the best as possible - thank you

Your equation should have been

25y^2 - 60y + 324 = 0
by the formula:
y = (60 ±√-28800)/50
= (60 ± 120√-2)/50
= (6 ± 12i√2)/5

which is a complex number

To solve the problem, you are given the equation:

30y^2 + 60y + 300 = 5y^2 + 120y - 24

First, you want to simplify the equation by rearranging terms and combining like terms:

30y^2 + 60y + 300 - 5y^2 - 120y + 24 = 0

Simplify further:

25y^2 - 60y + 324 = 0

Now that you have a quadratic equation in the form of ax^2 + bx + c = 0, you can use the quadratic formula to find the values of y.

The quadratic formula is:

y = (-b ± √(b^2 - 4ac)) / (2a)

In this case, a = 25, b = -60, and c = 324.

Plugging those values into the formula, you get:

y = (-(-60) ± √((-60)^2 - 4(25)(324))) / (2(25))

Simplifying further:

y = (60 ± √(3600 - 32400)) / 50

y = (60 ± √(-28800)) / 50

At this point, you notice that taking the square root of a negative number (√(-28800)) results in an imaginary number. Therefore, there are no real solutions to this equation.

Hence, the equation 30y^2 + 60y + 300 = 5y^2 + 120y - 24 does not have any real solutions.