What is the time and day at a certain place on 60°w longitude when it is 5:30 am on friday at a place 90 ° E longitude ?

The angle between is 150°

which is 150/360 or 5/12 of a rotation.
5/12 of 24 hours is 10 hours.

so the time would be 5:30 - 5:00 = 19:30 ---> evening of previous day
( that would be 7:30 pm using US notation)
time decreases from east to west


To determine the time and day at a certain place on a given longitude, we need to consider the concept of time zones and the rotation of the Earth.

The Earth is divided into 24 time zones, each 15 degrees of longitude wide. The Prime Meridian, located at 0° longitude, serves as the reference point for these time zones.

In this case, we have a place at 90° E longitude where it is 5:30 am on Friday. Since we're moving from the Prime Meridian (0°) to the east, every 15 degrees represents a one-hour time difference. So, at 60° W (which is on the opposite side of the Earth), we need to calculate how many time zones are between these two longitudes.

To calculate the time difference in hours, we divide the distance between the longitudes by 15:
90° E - (-60° W) = 150° / 15° = 10 hours

Therefore, the time at 60° W would be 10 hours behind the time at 90° E.

Given that it is 5:30 am on Friday at 90° E, subtracting 10 hours brings us to 7:30 pm on Thursday. So, at 60° W longitude, it is 7:30 pm on Thursday.