can you help me graph the function y=-5(3^x)please?

f(x)=-5*3 f(x)=-5(9)
=-15 =-45
Is this the correct way to work this problem out and how to I graph?

f(x) = -5(3^x)

f(0) = -5(3^0) = -5(1) = -5
f(1) = -5(3^1) = -5(3) = -15
f(2) = -5(3^2) = -5(9) = -45

the graph is at

To correctly graph the function y = -5(3^x), you need more than just two points. Let me explain how to calculate additional points to visualize the graph accurately.

To start, you can choose any values for x and then calculate the corresponding values for y. For this particular function, it's best to choose integer values for x to obtain more manageable results.

Let's take the following values for x:
x = -2, -1, 0, 1, and 2.

To find the corresponding y-values, substitute each chosen x-values into the equation y = -5(3^x) and calculate:

For x = -2:
y = -5(3^(-2)) = -5(1/9) = -5/9

For x = -1:
y = -5(3^(-1)) = -5(1/3) = -5/3

For x = 0:
y = -5(3^(0)) = -5(1) = -5

For x = 1:
y = -5(3^(1)) = -5(3) = -15

For x = 2:
y = -5(3^(2)) = -5(9) = -45

Now we have five points: (-2, -5/9), (-1, -5/3), (0, -5), (1, -15), and (2, -45).

To plot these points on the graph:
- Create a coordinate plane with the x and y axes.
- Mark the points (-2, -5/9), (-1, -5/3), (0, -5), (1, -15), and (2, -45) on the graph using the x and y values.
- Connect the points with a smooth curve.

Remember that exponential functions, like this one, tend to grow rapidly. So, as you move to the right on the x-axis, the values of y will become more negative.

By following these steps and plotting the additional points calculated, you will be able to accurately graph the function y = -5(3^x).