She was so mad on her boyfriend, she terminated/hanged up/hung up/yelled --him when he called.

hung up is correct bc is pp of hang
yes guys, am i right??

Yes, hung is right.

But we say so mad "at" her boyfriend -- and hung up "on" him when he called.


You're welcome.

Yes, you are partially correct. In this case, the correct phrase to use would be "She hung up on him when he called," not "terminated," "hanged up," or "yelled." "Hung up" is indeed the correct past tense and past participle form of the phrasal verb "hang up," which means to end a phone call abruptly.

To determine the correct usage, it is essential to understand the meaning and usage of phrasal verbs. Phrasal verbs are made up of a verb and one or more particles (prepositions or adverbs) that change the original meaning of the verb. In this case, "hang up" is used to describe the action of terminating a phone call abruptly.

If you are unsure about the correct form or usage of a phrase, it is always helpful to consult a reliable dictionary or grammar resource. They can provide you with the correct spelling, conjugation, and explanations of various phrases and idioms.