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The given expression represents a chemical equation, specifically a combustion reaction. It can be interpreted as follows:

C3H5 + 5O2 → 3CO2 + 4H2O

The equation shows the reactants and products of a chemical reaction. In this case, C3H5 (a hydrocarbon) reacts with O2 (oxygen) to produce CO2 (carbon dioxide) and H2O (water).

To understand how this equation was balanced, let's go step by step:

1. Start by counting the atoms on each side of the equation:
- On the left side (reactants): 3 Carbon (C), 5 Hydrogen (H), and 10 Oxygen (O).
- On the right side (products): 3 Carbon (C), 8 Hydrogen (H), and 10 Oxygen (O).

2. Balance the elements one at a time:
a. Begin with Carbon (C): We have 3 Carbon atoms on the left and right sides, so it is already balanced.
b. Move to Hydrogen (H): We have 5 Hydrogen atoms on the left side and 8 Hydrogen atoms on the right side. To balance them, add a coefficient of 4 in front of H2O:
C3H5 + 5O2 → 3CO2 + 4H2O

c. Finally, Oxygen (O): We have 10 Oxygen atoms on the left side and 14 Oxygen atoms on the right side. To balance them, place a coefficient of 5 in front of O2:
C3H5 + 5O2 → 3CO2 + 4H2O

Now the equation is balanced, with an equal number of atoms on both sides. This means that the total number of atoms of each element is conserved during the reaction.