13. Someone who is young, lacks funds, and really wants to gain technical skills while serving his or her nation should consider

Are you supposed to guess? Or do you have choices?

I agree with Writeacher. Did you have to read something before? If so, look back in that book and the answer might be there.

someone who is young, lacks funds, and really wants to gain technical skills while serving his or her nation should consider joining a program or institution that offers opportunities for both learning and service. Here are a few options to consider:

1. Military service: Joining the military allows individuals to acquire technical skills while serving their country. Different branches of the military offer various training programs in areas such as technology, engineering, communications, and more. Additionally, the military often provides financial support for education, making it a viable option for someone lacking funds.

2. AmeriCorps: AmeriCorps is a national service program that offers a range of opportunities across different fields, including technology and technical skills. Participants in AmeriCorps receive a modest living allowance, education awards, and job training while serving in communities with organizations that address critical needs.

3. Government programs and scholarships: Many governments offer programs and scholarships specifically aimed at young individuals who wish to gain technical skills while serving their nation. These programs often provide financial support for education, training, and hands-on experience in various technical fields.

4. Apprenticeship programs: Look for apprenticeship programs in technical fields such as technology, engineering, or trades. These programs often provide on-the-job training, mentorship, and a pathway to gain technical skills while earning a living.

It's important to research and evaluate the specific requirements, benefits, and obligations of each option to find the best fit for one's interests, goals, and circumstances. Additionally, speaking with recruiters, advisors, or mentors can provide further guidance and assistance in navigating the available opportunities.