20. Tressa likes to generate ideas and relationships about a topic by writing a central idea in the middle of a piece of paper and then surrounding it with related ideas connected to each other and the main idea with a series of lines or arrows. This approach is best described as

A. prewriting.
B. brainstorming.
C. mapping.
D. freewriting.


Yes, mapping, which is a form of brainstorming or prewriting.

To determine the best answer, we can break down the question and analyze the options provided:

A. Prewriting: Prewriting refers to the process of generating ideas before starting to write a piece. While this technique does involve generating ideas, it doesn't specifically involve organizing them visually.

B. Brainstorming: Brainstorming is a technique where one generates ideas in a free-flowing manner without any kind of structure or organization. It focuses on quantity and encourages the generation of a variety of ideas.

C. Mapping: Mapping, also known as concept mapping or mind mapping, involves visually representing the connections and relationships between different ideas or concepts. This technique is often used to organize thoughts and generate new ideas by starting with a central idea and branching out with related ideas.

D. Freewriting: Freewriting is a technique where one writes continuously without worrying about grammar, punctuation, or logical structure. It is a way to stimulate creativity and generate ideas by letting thoughts flow freely.

Based on the given explanation, it is clear that the best answer is C. Mapping, as it involves centralizing the main idea and connecting it to related ideas using lines or arrows. This aligns with the description of Tressa's approach.