What is rank of word prachi

first, how is the "rank" of a word defined?


To find the rank of a word, you need to consider all possible permutations of the letters in the word. Here are the steps to calculate the rank of the word "prachi":

Step 1: Sort the letters of the word in alphabetical order. In this case, "prachi" becomes "achipr".

Step 2: Find the total number of possible permutations of the letters. In this case, there are 6 letters, so the total number of permutations is 6!.

Step 3: Determine the position of the given word in the sorted list of all permutations.

To calculate the rank, follow these steps:

Step 4: Take the first letter ('p') and count the total number of smaller letters to its right. In this case, 'p' has 3 smaller letters to its right ('a', 'c', and 'h'). So, the first letter contributes 3! permutations to the final rank.

Step 5: Repeat the process for the second letter ('r'). There are no smaller letters to its right, so it does not contribute any permutations to the rank.

Step 6: Continue this process for each letter, counting the number of smaller letters to its right and multiplying by the factorial of the remaining letters. The sum of all these values will give you the final rank.

In this case, since there are no smaller letters to the right of 'r', the rank of the word "prachi" is (3! * 0!) + (3! * 0!) + (3! * 0!) + (2! * 0!) + (1! * 0!) + (0! * 0!) = 6.

So, the rank of the word "prachi" is 6.

To find the rank of a word, such as "prachi," you need to establish a reference order or sequence according to a specific criterion. One common criterion is alphabetical order.

To find the rank of the word "prachi" in alphabetical order, follow these steps:

Step 1: Begin by listing all the possible arrangements of the letters in the word "prachi" in alphabetical order. In this case, we have "achipr" as the first arrangement:


Step 2: Once you have the arrangements listed, locate the word "prachi" in this alphabetical list.

In this case, "prachi" appears as the 58th arrangement.

Therefore, the rank of the word "prachi" in alphabetical order is 58.