Mr rainwater has 9 goats and 36 cows and 6 horses on his farm. He has 4 times as many cows as chickens. How many chickens does he have?

4x = 36

x = 9

So -- 9 chickens

Let's assume the number of chickens Mr. Rainwater has on his farm is "x." According to the given information, Mr. Rainwater has 4 times as many cows as chickens.

So, the number of cows Mr. Rainwater has = 4 * x = 4x

Now let's add up the number of animals on the farm:

Number of goats: 9
Number of cows: 4x
Number of horses: 6

The total number of animals on the farm is: 9 + 4x + 6

Given that the total number of animals is 36 + 9 + 6 = 51, we can set up an equation:

9 + 4x + 6 = 51

Combining like terms, we get:

4x + 15 = 51

Next, we'll subtract 15 from both sides of the equation:

4x = 51 - 15
4x = 36

Finally, we'll divide both sides of the equation by 4 to solve for x (the number of chickens):

x = 36 / 4
x = 9

Therefore, Mr. Rainwater has 9 chickens on his farm.

To find out how many chickens Mr. Rainwater has, we'll need to use the given information. We know that Mr. Rainwater has 9 goats, 36 cows, and 6 horses on his farm.

Let's focus on the number of cows. It says that Mr. Rainwater has four times as many cows as chickens. So, to find the number of chickens, we need to divide the number of cows by 4.

Number of cows = 36
Number of chickens = Number of cows / 4

36 / 4 = 9

Therefore, Mr. Rainwater has 9 chickens on his farm.

That is the same answer that I got but somebody told me it was wrong. Can't see how it is wrong because the only two variants are the cows and chickens.