The words to use are: crust, moving, lithosphere, asthenosphere, upper mantle, volcanoes, semisolid

The ___1___, which includes the ___2___ and part of the ___3___, is divided into plates that carry all of Earth's lands and oceans. These plates float on a ___4___ layer of rock in the upper mantle called the ___5___. The plates are constantly ___6___. Most of Earth's ___7___ occur where plates interact.

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why do they float

The ___1___, which includes the ___2___ and part of the ___3___, is divided into plates that carry all of Earth's lands and oceans. These plates float on a ___4___ layer of rock in the upper mantle called the ___5___. The plates are constantly ___6___ moving. Most of Earth's ___7___ occur where plates interact.

The words to use are: crust, moving, lithosphere, asthenosphere, upper mantle, volcanoes, semisolid

The ___crust___, which includes the ___lithosphere___ and part of the ___upper mantle___, is divided into plates that carry all of Earth's lands and oceans. These plates float on a ___semisolid___ layer of rock in the upper mantle called the ___asthenosphere___. The plates are constantly ___moving___. Most of Earth's ___volcanoes___ occur where plates interact.

To explain how to get the answer, you can follow these steps:

1. Understand the keywords: The question mentions several keywords that provide clues to finding the answers. These keywords include crust, moving, lithosphere, asthenosphere, upper mantle, volcanoes, and semisolid.

2. Read the question carefully: Understand the context of the question to identify the missing words. In this case, you are asked to fill in the blanks with the appropriate terms.

3. Use your knowledge: Recall your knowledge about Earth's structure and how it relates to plate tectonics. The terms crust, lithosphere, asthenosphere, upper mantle, and plate movement are all related to this topic.

4. Connect the dots: Based on your knowledge, you can make logical connections to fill in the missing words. For example, the crust is divided into plates, which float on a semisolid layer called the asthenosphere. The movement of these plates can lead to the formation of volcanoes.

By following these steps, you can derive the missing words: crust, lithosphere, asthenosphere, moving, upper mantle, and volcanoes.