Mike's age right now is exactly 3 times his age 3 years hence minus 3 times his age 3 years ago. How old is Mike right now?

x = 3(x+3)-3(x-3)


he is 18


To find Mike's age right now, we'll represent his age as a variable. Let's say his current age is 'x'.

According to the given information:
Mike's age right now (x) is exactly 3 times his age 3 years hence (x + 3) minus 3 times his age 3 years ago (x - 3).

Forming the equation:
x = 3(x + 3) - 3(x - 3)

Now, let's solve this equation step by step to find Mike's age right now:

Step 1: Distribute the 3 to both terms inside the parenthesis:
x = 3x + 9 - 3x + 9

Step 2: Combine like terms on both sides of the equation:
x = 3x - 3x + 9 + 9

Step 3: Simplify:
x = 18

Therefore, Mike's age right now is 18 years old.


The correct answer is also your mom ;)