How do i balance this equation?


2Al + N2 ----> 2AlN

To balance the given chemical equation:

Al + N2 ----> AlN

We need to ensure that the number of atoms for each element in the reactants (left side) is equal to the number of atoms for each element in the products (right side).

Here's the step-by-step method to balance the equation:

1. Count the number of atoms of each element on both sides of the equation.

Reactants (left side):
- Aluminum (Al): 1
- Nitrogen (N): 2

Product (right side):
- Aluminum (Al): 1
- Nitrogen (N): 1

2. Start with the unbalanced element. In this case, Nitrogen (N) is unbalanced, as there are 2 atoms on the left side but only 1 atom on the right side.

3. Multiply the number of atoms of the unbalanced element on the right side by a whole number so that it matches the number on the left side. Since we need 2 atoms of Nitrogen (N) on the right side, we multiply the AlN by 2.

Al + N2 ----> 2AlN

4. Now, check the other elements. In this case, Aluminum (Al) is unbalanced.

5. Multiply the number of atoms of the unbalanced element on the left side by a whole number so that it matches the number on the right side. We need 2 Aluminum (Al) atoms on the left side, so we multiply Al by 2.

2Al + N2 ----> 2AlN

6. Now, verify that all elements are balanced.

Reactants (left side):
- Aluminum (Al): 2
- Nitrogen (N): 2

Product (right side):
- Aluminum (Al): 2
- Nitrogen (N): 2

All elements are now balanced, and the final balanced equation is:

2Al + N2 ----> 2AlN