1. How does sea-floor spreading occur?

a.New materials are being added to the atmosphere.
b. Earthquakes break apart the ocean floor.
c. Sediments accumulate at the area of spreading.
d. Molten material beneath Earth's crust rises to the surface.

2. Which feature form the longest mountain range on Earth?
a. the mid-ocean ridges
b. the deep-ocean trenches
c. the Rockies
d. the Andes

3. How does subduction change the ocean floor?
I think it is Subduction causes the ocean floor to sink into deep-ocean trenches.
(Was too lazy to write others.)

4. Ocean trenches are formed when
a. Oceanic plate cools and moves to the surface of the ocean.
b. The denser oceanic plate sinks.
c. Molten rock cools and solidifies.
d. Magma accumulates on the ocean floor.

I knew the answer to 3, so I wrote it. Please Ms. Sue, don't just give me a link...

Thank you for any help I will get in advance...

The longest mountain chain question is tricky. Google's first links do not answer the question. However, I could post a link that does answer the question correctly.


the rest idk

I don't know what the longest mountain chain is. Why don't you google it?

You can also check your text or google for the answer to # 4.

1. The process of sea-floor spreading occurs when molten material beneath Earth's crust rises to the surface. The correct answer is d.

To understand how this works, we need to look at the theory of plate tectonics. The Earth's lithosphere is divided into several large and small plates that float on the semi-fluid asthenosphere beneath. These plates are constantly moving and interacting with each other.

At mid-ocean ridges, which are underwater mountain ranges, molten material from the Earth's mantle rises to the surface. This molten material, called magma, cools and solidifies, creating new oceanic crust. As more magma rises and solidifies, the ocean floor is pushed outward in both directions from the ridge, causing the sea floor to spread apart.

2. The longest mountain range on Earth is formed by the mid-ocean ridges. The correct answer is a.

Mid-ocean ridges are found in all major oceans and form a continuous chain of undersea mountains that stretches for thousands of miles. These ridges are created by the process of sea-floor spreading, as described in the previous answer. The Mid-Atlantic Ridge, for example, is the longest mountain range on Earth, running from north to south through the Atlantic Ocean.

3. You are correct. Subduction changes the ocean floor by causing it to sink into deep-ocean trenches.

When two tectonic plates collide, one of them, usually the denser oceanic plate, is forced beneath the other in a process known as subduction. As the oceanic plate sinks into the hot mantle, it creates a deep trench on the ocean floor. These deep-ocean trenches are the deepest parts of the Earth's oceans.

4. Ocean trenches are formed when the denser oceanic plate sinks. The correct answer is b.

As mentioned in the previous answer, when two tectonic plates collide, one plate, usually the oceanic plate, is denser and heavier. It is forced beneath the other plate, which can be either oceanic or continental. This process of subduction causes the sinking of the denser plate into the mantle, creating ocean trenches.

Magma can also be involved in the formation of trenches, but it is not the main cause. When the oceanic plate descends into the mantle, it can cause melting and the formation of magma, which can contribute to volcanic activity in the vicinity of the trench. However, the primary reason for the formation of ocean trenches is the subduction of the denser oceanic plate.