Translate the phrase to the equivalent algebraic expression. If no variable is given, use x as the variable. See Example 1.

The square of the quantity 34 less than

dont know what answer is

x - 34^2

Two less than the product of

and Malik's score

14 increased by twice jenny savings

To translate the given phrase to an algebraic expression, we first need to identify the key components.

The phrase is "The square of the quantity 34 less than." Let's break it down:

1. "The square of" means that we will be squaring an expression.
2. "The quantity" implies that we need to enclose an expression in parentheses.
3. "34 less than" refers to subtracting 34 from another value.

Now let's put these components together to create the algebraic expression:

Step 1: Start with the expression inside the parentheses
Expression: x - 34

Step 2: Square the expression from step 1
Algebraic expression: (x - 34)^2

Therefore, the equivalent algebraic expression is (x - 34)^2.