the distance from chillicothe to the current capital is 48 miles using the scale on the map below how many centimeters apart are the two cities


file:///C:/Users/Student/Pictures/My%20Spam/Scale.JPG here


7B U1 L10 - Maps and Scale Drawings Portfolio.pdf

I can't access those sites.

What is the scale on the map?

See this part of those files you tried to link?

That indicates that the folder and files are available ONLY on your computer, not online.

To determine the number of centimeters apart the two cities are on the map, we need to know the scale of the map. Unfortunately, the map you mentioned is not visible or available to me, so I cannot directly provide the scale from it. However, I can walk you through how to calculate the answer using a scale.

Typically, maps have a scale that indicates the ratio between a certain distance on the map and the corresponding distance in reality. It is usually expressed as a fraction or a ratio. For example, a common scale might be 1:100,000, meaning that one unit of measurement on the map represents 100,000 units of measurement in reality.

To calculate the number of centimeters apart the two cities are on the map, we'll need to know the scale in terms of inches or centimeters. Once we have that information, we can use the scale to convert the distance in miles to the corresponding distance in centimeters on the map.

If you can provide the scale of the map (e.g., 1 inch represents X miles, or 1 centimeter represents X miles), I can help you further by performing the calculation.