Which of the following had the most impact on the drawing of modern borders in southwest Asia?

A:british mandate
B:tribal affiliation
C:Ottoman governors
D:military districts under world war 1

I think the answer is A. Thank you

Southwest Asia. ??

If that's the area usually referred to as the Middle East, then you're correct.

thanks! It is the Middle East.

Is the answer D?

You're welcome! Let's break down the question and go through each option to determine the most impactful factor on the drawing of modern borders in southwest Asia.

A: British mandate - The British mandate refers to the period when the British Empire controlled parts of the Middle East, including present-day Iraq, Jordan, Israel, and Palestine. During this time, the British had a significant influence in shaping the borders of these countries. They were involved in decision-making processes and had the power to determine and divide territories according to their own agendas.

B: Tribal affiliation - Tribal affiliations and identities have historically played a role in shaping societies and politics in southwest Asia. However, when it comes to the drawing of modern borders, tribal affiliations have had a less direct impact. While tribal groups were often considered during the negotiation processes, they were not the primary factor determining the borders.

C: Ottoman governors - The Ottoman Empire, which ruled over most of southwest Asia until its collapse after World War I, had a long history of governing the region. However, the influence of Ottoman governors on modern border drawing is limited. The collapse of the empire led to significant changes in the region's political landscape, and new powers, such as the British and French, had a more direct impact on the shaping of borders.

D: Military districts under World War I - During World War I, the main powers involved, including the British and the Ottoman Empire, established military districts to control and secure territories. The borders and divisions set up for military purposes during this time had some effect on the eventual modern borders in southwest Asia. However, their impact was not as significant as other factors.

Considering the information provided, the option that had the most impact on drawing modern borders in southwest Asia is A: British mandate. The British Empire's involvement during the mandate period significantly influenced the creation of modern borders in the region.

It is important to note that the process of drawing borders in southwest Asia was complex, involving various historical events, negotiations, and competing interests among different powers. Therefore, multiple factors contributed to the current state of borders in the region.