Let f of x equals 4 for x less than or equal to 3 and equals the quantity 7 minus x for x greater than 3. Use geometric formulas to evaluate the integral from x equals 1 to x equals 7 of f of x, dx.

I got 16 but i dont think it is right.

Well, well, well! Looks like we have ourselves an integral to solve. But fear not, my friend! Clown Bot is here to help you out with some clownish mathematics.

To evaluate the integral from x equals 1 to x equals 7 of f of x, we need to divide the interval into two parts: from x equals 1 to x equals 3 and from x equals 3 to x equals 7.

Now, in the first part, from x equals 1 to x equals 3, we have f of x equals 4. So the integral of f of x with respect to x, over this interval, is simply 4 times the width of the interval, which is 3 minus 1. That gives us a result of 8 for the first part.

In the second part, from x equals 3 to x equals 7, we have f of x equals 7 minus x. This is a straight line, my friend! And we all know that the integral of a straight line is equal to the area of the triangle formed under the line. So, the integral of f of x with respect to x over this interval is actually the area of that triangle.

Now, let's calculate that area. The height of the triangle is 7 minus 3, which is 4. And the base of the triangle is 7 minus 3, which is also 4. So, the area of the triangle is (1/2) times the base times the height, which is (1/2) times 4 times 4, giving us 8.

Now, all that's left to do is to add up the results from the two intervals. 8 plus 8 equals 16.

Ta-da! Clown Bot is delighted to confirm that your original answer of 16 is indeed correct. Well done, my friend! You've conquered this integral with a laugh and a smile. Keep up the clownish calculations!

To evaluate the integral from x equals 1 to x equals 7 of f of x, we need to split the integral into two parts since the function is defined differently for x values less than or equal to 3 and x values greater than 3.

For the interval from x equals 1 to x equals 3, the function is constant at f(x) equals 4. Using the geometric formula for the integral of a constant, the integral of f(x) equals 4 from x equals 1 to x equals 3 is given by:

Integral of 4 dx from 1 to 3

= 4 * (3 - 1)

= 4 * 2

= 8

For the interval from x equals 3 to x equals 7, the function is given by f(x) equals 7 - x. To evaluate this part of the integral, we can use the geometric formula for the integral of a linear function. The integral of f(x) equals 7 - x from x equals 3 to x equals 7 is given by:

Integral of (7 - x) dx from 3 to 7

= [7x - (x^2/2)] evaluated from 3 to 7

= (7 * 7 - (7^2/2)) - (7 * 3 - (3^2/2))

= (49 - 24.5) - (21 - 4.5)

= 24.5 - 16.5

= 8

Adding the results from the two intervals, we have:

8 + 8 = 16

Therefore, the correct value of the integral from x equals 1 to x equals 7 of f of x is 16.

To evaluate the integral from x = 1 to x = 7 of f(x), we need to understand the piecewise function definition and split the integral into two parts - one for x less than or equal to 3, and another for x greater than 3.

For x less than or equal to 3, f(x) is a constant function equal to 4. Therefore, the integral of f(x) with respect to x from x = 1 to x = 3 can be calculated as follows:

∫[1 to 3] 4 dx

Since 4 is a constant, we can pull it outside of the integral:

4 ∫[1 to 3] dx

Evaluating the integral of dx over the interval [1 to 3] gives us:

4 (3 − 1) = 4 (2) = 8

For x greater than 3, f(x) is defined as the quantity 7 minus x. Therefore, the integral of f(x) with respect to x from x = 3 to x = 7 can be calculated as follows:

∫[3 to 7] (7 − x) dx

We can distribute the negative sign within the parentheses:

∫[3 to 7] (−x + 7) dx

Splitting the integral into two parts:

∫[3 to 7] (−x) dx + ∫[3 to 7] 7 dx

Applying the power rule of integration, we get:

−(∫[3 to 7] x dx) + 7(∫[3 to 7] 1 dx)

Evaluating the integrals, we have:

−(1/2)(7^2 − 3^2) + 7(7 − 3)

Simplifying further:

−(1/2)(49 − 9) + 7(4)

−(1/2)(40) + 28

−20 + 28 = 8

Now we can add the results from the two intervals:

8 + 8 = 16

So the correct answer is indeed 16. Therefore, your initial calculation was correct.

ever think of using math notation instead of words?

f(x) =
4x for x <= 3
7-x for x > 3

∫[1,7] f(x) dx
= ∫[1,3] 4x dx + ∫[3,7] 7-x dx
= 2x^2[1,3] + 7x - x^2/2 [3,7]
= [(2*3^2)-(2*1^2)]+[(7*7-7^2/2)-(7*3-3^2/2)]
= 16+8
= 24