Please help I have to do something but do not get what these words mean.

Post heart rate

It would have helped if you'd given us a clue about your subject.

Let me guess. Is it health or P.E.?

Post means after. I'll guess that the post heart rate means the heart rate after the subject has exercised. Duration might be how long this rate continues when the subject is resting.

okay thanks

Sure! I'd be happy to help you understand the meanings of "post heart rate" and "duration."

1. Post Heart Rate:
The term "post" in this context means "after" or "following." So, "post heart rate" refers to the heart rate measurement taken after a particular event or activity. It is used to evaluate the heart's recovery rate or the immediate effects of exercise or physical activity on the heart rate.

To measure your post heart rate:
1. Engage in a physical activity like jogging, walking, or cycling.
2. After completing the activity, find your pulse. You can do this by placing two fingers (usually your index and middle finger) on the side of your neck, just below your jawbone or on your wrist.
3. Count the number of heartbeats you feel within a specific time, typically 10 or 15 seconds.
4. Multiply the number of heartbeats by 6 or 4, respectively, to get your heart rate per minute.

2. Duration:
Duration refers to the length of time that something lasts or continues. It is commonly used to measure the time taken to complete a task, perform an activity, or the length of an event or period.

To determine the duration:
1. Start a stopwatch or note the starting time of the event or task.
2. Continuously run the stopwatch or keep a track of the time until the event or task finishes.
3. Stop the stopwatch or note the ending time.
4. Calculate the duration by subtracting the starting time from the ending time.

Remember, context matters in fully understanding the meanings of these words, so if you need more specific information, please let me know!