If you walk 4/5mile and then jog 3/8 mile what is the total distance covered how much farther did you walk than jog

Change the fractions to equivalent fractions with the same denominator.

To find the total distance covered, you need to add the distance walked and the distance jogged. The distance walked is given as 4/5 mile, and the distance jogged is given as 3/8 mile.

To add fractions, you need to have a common denominator. In this case, the common denominator for 5 and 8 is 40. To convert 4/5 to have a denominator of 40, you need to multiply the numerator and denominator by 8. So, 4/5 = (4*8)/(5*8) = 32/40. To convert 3/8 to 40 as well, you need to multiply the numerator and denominator by 5. So, 3/8 = (3*5)/(8*5) = 15/40.

Now you can add the fractions:
32/40 + 15/40 = (32 + 15)/40 = 47/40

Therefore, the total distance covered is 47/40 mile.

To find how much farther you walked than jogged, you need to subtract the distance jogged from the distance walked. You can subtract fractions by having the same denominator:
32/40 - 15/40 = (32 - 15)/40 = 17/40

Therefore, you walked 17/40 mile farther than you jogged.