Abel bought 3 similar shirts and 4 similar jackets for $360. Marcus bought 1 such shirt and 3 such jackets for $220. Find the cost of each shirt.

3s + 4j = 360

s + 3j = 220 -----> s = 220 - 3j

sub that into the first and solve for j
then find s

Let's assume the cost of each shirt is "x" dollars.

According to the given information, Abel bought 3 similar shirts for a total cost of $360.

This means that 3x = 360.

Dividing both sides of the equation by 3, we get:

x = 360 / 3

x = 120

Therefore, the cost of each shirt is $120.

To find the cost of each shirt, we can set up a system of equations based on the given information.

Let's assume the cost of each shirt is x dollars and the cost of each jacket is y dollars.

From the first sentence, we know that Abel bought 3 similar shirts and 4 similar jackets for $360. Using this information, we can write the equation:

3x + 4y = 360 ----------- Equation 1

Similarly, from the second sentence, we know that Marcus bought 1 such shirt and 3 such jackets for $220. We can write the equation:

1x + 3y = 220 ------------- Equation 2

Now we have a system of linear equations. We can solve this system to find the values of x and y.

Let's use the method of substitution to solve the equations:

From Equation 2, we can express x in terms of y.
x = 220 - 3y

Now plug this value of x into Equation 1 and solve for y:

3(220 - 3y) + 4y = 360
660 - 9y + 4y = 360
-5y = 360 - 660
-5y = -300
y = -300 / -5
y = 60

Now substitute the value of y back into Equation 2 to find x:

x + 3(60) = 220
x + 180 = 220
x = 220 - 180
x = 40

Therefore, the cost of each shirt is $40.