While you are doing heavy work, your heart pumps up to 25.0 L of blood per minute. Your muscles get about 80% by volume of your blood under these conditions. What volume of blood in quarts is pumped through your muscles in 107 minutes of work that causes your heart to pump 20.7 L per minute, 79.49% of which goes to your muscles?

To calculate the volume of blood pumped through your muscles in 107 minutes of work, we need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Calculate the total volume of blood pumped by your heart in 107 minutes.
- Heart pumps 20.7 L/min of blood
- Time = 107 minutes

Total volume of blood pumped = Heart rate x Time
Total volume of blood pumped = 20.7 L/min x 107 minutes

Step 2: Calculate the volume of blood that goes to your muscles.
- 79.49% of the blood pumped goes to your muscles

Volume of blood to your muscles = Total volume of blood pumped x 79.49%
Volume of blood to your muscles = (20.7 L/min x 107 minutes) x 0.7949

Step 3: Convert the volume of blood to quarts.
Since we are given the volume of blood in liters, we need to convert it to quarts.

1 quart = 0.9464 liters
Therefore, 1 liter ≈ 1.057 quarts

Volume of blood to your muscles in quarts ≈ Volume of blood to your muscles L x 1.057

Performing the calculations:
Volume of blood to your muscles = (20.7 L/min x 107 minutes) x 0.7949
Volume of blood to your muscles = 2246.95 L x 0.7949
Volume of blood to your muscles ≈ 1786.75 L

Volume of blood to your muscles in quarts ≈ 1786.75 L x 1.057
Volume of blood to your muscles in quarts ≈ 1886.23 quarts

Therefore, approximately 1886.23 quarts of blood is pumped through your muscles in 107 minutes of work.

To calculate the volume of blood pumped through your muscles in 107 minutes of work, we need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Calculate the total volume of blood pumped by the heart in 107 minutes.
Given that your heart pumps 20.7 L of blood per minute, we can multiply this number by the number of minutes to get the total volume of blood pumped by the heart:
Total volume pumped by the heart = 20.7 L/minute * 107 minutes

Step 2: Calculate the volume of blood that goes to your muscles.
Given that 79.49% of the blood pumped by the heart goes to your muscles, we can convert this percentage into a decimal and multiply it by the total volume pumped by the heart:
Volume of blood to muscles = Total volume pumped by the heart * 79.49%

Step 3: Convert the volume from liters to quarts.
To convert the volume from liters to quarts, we need to know the conversion factor. There are approximately 1.057 quarts in a liter.

Now let's calculate the volume of blood pumped through your muscles in quarts:

Step 1: Total volume pumped by the heart = 20.7 L/minute * 107 minutes
Total volume pumped by the heart = 2214.9 L

Step 2: Volume of blood to muscles = Total volume pumped by the heart * 79.49%
Volume of blood to muscles = 2214.9 L * 0.7949

Step 3: Convert the volume from liters to quarts.
To convert liters to quarts, we use the conversion factor of 1.057 quarts per liter:
Volume of blood to muscles in quarts = Volume of blood to muscles * 1.057

Now, you can plug in the values and calculate the volume of blood pumped through your muscles in quarts.

I see math here; not much chemistry.

20.7 L/min x 107 min x 0.7949 = ?L.
Convert L to quarts. 1.0 L = 1.057 quarts.