(13) Dan invested a total of 12, 000. He invested some of that money at 3%

and some at 5%. After one year, he earned a total of 460 in interest.

How much did Dan invest at each rate of interest?

If x is at 3%, then the rest (12000-x) is at 5%. So, add up the interest:

.03x + .05(12000-x) = 460

To solve this problem, we can use a system of two equations with two variables. Let's assume Dan invested x amount of money at 3% interest and y amount of money at 5% interest.

Based on the given information, we know that the total amount invested is $12,000:

x + y = 12,000 Equation 1

We also know that after one year, the total interest earned is $460:

0.03x + 0.05y = 460 Equation 2

Now we can solve this system of equations to find the values of x and y.

To solve Equation 1, we can express y in terms of x:

y = 12,000 - x

Substituting this value into Equation 2:

0.03x + 0.05(12,000 - x) = 460

Now we can solve for x:

0.03x + 600 - 0.05x = 460

-0.02x = -140

x = -140 / -0.02

x = 7,000

Now that we have found the value of x, we can substitute it back into Equation 1 to find y:

7,000 + y = 12,000

y = 12,000 - 7,000

y = 5,000

Therefore, Dan invested $7,000 at 3% interest and $5,000 at 5% interest.