What do the 35 stars and their arrangement and the 13 strips mean on the 7th Cavalry Guidon Flag that Custer used in the battle of little big horn

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. On the first site you can see the flag:


On the second site you can see all the guidon flags and meanings of colors:


The 35 stars probably represent the 35 states that were part of the United States at that time. The 13 stripes represent the original 13 colonies.

To find out the meaning behind the 35 stars and their arrangement, as well as the 13 stripes on the 7th Cavalry Guidon Flag that Custer used in the Battle of Little Bighorn, you can look at historical sources and references.

A good first step is to visit websites that provide information on military flags and their symbolism. I recommend visiting the following websites:

1. The first website, located at http://www.anyflag.com/history/cavguid.htm, provides a detailed description of the 7th Cavalry Guidon Flag used by Custer. You can find an image of the flag and additional information about its design and use.

2. The second website, located at http://www.diggerhistory.info/pages-flags/guidons.htm, offers a comprehensive collection of guidon flags used by various military units. This site provides insights into the meanings of the different flag colors and symbols.

By exploring these resources, you can gain a better understanding of the specific symbolism associated with the 7th Cavalry Guidon Flag used by Custer. While the 35 stars likely represent the 35 states in the United States at that time, and the 13 stripes represent the original 13 colonies, further research may reveal additional details and symbolism related to the flag.