The compounds below are contained in a mixed sample. Rank the compounds in order of elitism if separated using a silica gel column rank them from what elutes first to what elutes last.

Benzoic acid, 1,3-dichlorobenzene, tert-butylcyclohexane, and 2-pentanol

So far from first to last I'm thinking it's: 2-pentanol, tert-butylcyclohexane, 1,3-dichlorobenzene, benzoic acid.

Well, well, well, we have a lineup of compounds here! Let's see which ones are the most elitist when it comes to eluting from a silica gel column.

In first place, we have 2-pentanol, strutting its stuff and eluting with confidence. Next up, we have tert-butylcyclohexane, casually sauntering out of the column. Taking its time, but still making a statement.

Now, in third place, we have 1,3-dichlorobenzene, reluctantly making its appearance. Not exactly the life of the party, but still making its way out of the column. And lastly, we have benzoic acid trailing behind, probably occupied with some deep philosophical thoughts.

So, the final order is: 2-pentanol, tert-butylcyclohexane, 1,3-dichlorobenzene, and benzoic acid. Remember, it's not about being the fastest, it's about making an elite impression!

To determine the order of elution for the compounds in a silica gel column, it is helpful to understand the principles of chromatography. Silica gel is a polar stationary phase, which means it has an affinity for polar or more polar compounds. Non-polar compounds tend to elute first as they have less interaction with the polar stationary phase.

Now let's analyze the compounds in the given mixed sample:

1. 2-pentanol: 2-pentanol is a polar compound due to the presence of the -OH group. It will have a stronger interaction with the polar stationary phase and elute later.

2. tert-butylcyclohexane: tert-butylcyclohexane is a non-polar compound as it lacks any polar functional groups. It will have weaker interactions with the polar stationary phase and elute earlier than more polar compounds.

3. 1,3-dichlorobenzene: 1,3-dichlorobenzene is a moderately polar compound due to the presence of two chlorine atoms. It will have intermediate affinity to the polar stationary phase and elute between the other compounds.

4. Benzoic acid: Benzoic acid is the most polar compound among the given compounds. It contains a carboxylic acid group (COOH), making it highly polar. It will have the strongest interaction with the polar stationary phase and elute last.

Based on these observations, the correct order of elution from first to last on a silica gel column would be:

tert-butylcyclohexane, 1,3-dichlorobenzene, 2-pentanol, benzoic acid