What ended the Cuban Missile Crisis?


The Cuban Missile Crisis was resolved through a series of negotiations and diplomatic efforts between the United States and the Soviet Union. The crisis ended with the eventual agreement that the United States would remove its missiles from Turkey, near the Soviet border, and the Soviet Union would dismantle its missile bases in Cuba.

To get more details about the end of the Cuban Missile Crisis, you can follow these steps:

1. Research historical sources: Look for books, articles, or scholarly papers that delve into the Cuban Missile Crisis. These sources will provide in-depth analysis and accounts of the events leading up to its resolution.

2. Study official documents: examine official statements, speeches, and agreements made by the leaders involved in the crisis. These documents can provide insights into the negotiations and decisions made.

3. Watch documentaries or interviews: Seek out reputable documentaries or interviews with key figures involved in the crisis, such as President John F. Kennedy or Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev. These sources offer firsthand accounts and perspectives on the resolution of the crisis.

4. Consult academic resources: scholarly journals, academic databases, or university websites can offer extensive research and analysis on the topic. Look for articles or papers written by experts in the field of international relations or Cold War studies.

By combining information from these sources, you can gain a comprehensive understanding of the Cuban Missile Crisis and how it was resolved.