Two students their professor about the possibility of obtaining a different grade in class.

has/had asked . asking . was asking

which one is right to fill the blank??

Two students (had asked)..

had is past tense, has is present tense. If they did it an hour ago or last month, it's in the past

BUT, which of the options do YOU think it is? We'll check your answer, not give it to you. Study your text materials.

yes had asked bc its a pp


To determine the correct answer, we need to understand the context and tense of the sentence.

If the students are currently asking their professor about the possibility of obtaining a different grade, we should use the present tense. Therefore, the correct option is "are asking."

If the students asked their professor in the past about the possibility of obtaining a different grade, then we should use the past tense. In this case, the correct option would be "had asked."

If the act of asking happened in the past, but there is no specific mention of when it occurred, we generally use the simple past tense. So, the correct option would be "asked."

Understanding the precise context of the sentence will help determine which tense is most appropriate.