Completion Stuck on number 7 & 11 on my homewowrk

7)An Equation must never be balanced by changing the _______ in the chemical formula of a substance.

11)If a _______ is used to increases the rate of a chemical reaction its formula is written above the arrow

I think 7 is "subscripts" and 11 is "catalyst."

an equation must never be balanced by changing the

subscripts in the chemical formula of a substance.

To arrive at this answer, we need to understand the concept of balancing chemical equations. In a balanced chemical equation, the number of atoms of each element on both sides of the equation should be the same.

In question 7, it asks about something that should not be changed to balance an equation. One of the components of a chemical formula is the subscript, which indicates the number of atoms of an element present in a molecule or compound. Changing the subscripts would alter the stoichiometry of the substance and therefore change the identity of the compound. Therefore, subscripts should not be changed to balance an equation. The correct answer is indeed "subscripts."

Now let's move on to question 11. It asks about a substance that increases the rate of a chemical reaction and whether its formula is written above or below the arrow. This substance is known as a catalyst.

A catalyst is a substance that speeds up the rate of a chemical reaction without being consumed in the process. It provides an alternative pathway with lower activation energy for the reaction to occur. In a balanced chemical equation, the formula of a catalyst is commonly written above the arrow indicating the reaction.

Therefore, the correct answer for question 11 is indeed "catalyst."