How do I solve for Cmax= 8.5/ e(-0.257 * (1-0.5))? Also, how would I input 'e' in my calculator?

Any decent calculator has a button for ex somewhere. Probably an alternate function for ln.

Thanks Steve. How would I use the ln function instead of e on the calculator? It's been ahile since I took algebra.

So e equals ln?

To solve for Cmax in the equation Cmax = 8.5 / e^(-0.257 * (1-0.5)), you will need to follow a step-by-step process. Here's how you can do it:

Step 1: Evaluate the exponent in the expression -0.257 * (1-0.5). Begin by calculating the value inside the parentheses: (1-0.5) = 0.5. Now, multiply this by -0.257 to get the exponent. You should obtain -0.257 * 0.5 = -0.1285.

Step 2: Calculate the value of e^(-0.1285). To input 'e' in a calculator, you might have a specific button labeled 'e' or 'exp'. However, if you do not have one, you can use the approximation 2.71828 for 'e'. To raise this value to the power of -0.1285, enter 2.71828^(-0.1285) in your calculator.

Step 3: Once you find the value of e^(-0.1285), divide 8.5 by this value to obtain your final answer for Cmax.

Please note that different calculators might have slightly different methods to input and calculate exponential expressions. It is recommended to refer to your calculator's manual or consult the documentation specific to your model.