Your goal is to take at least 10000 steps per day. According to your pedometer, you have walked 5274 steps. Write and solve the inequality to find the possible numbers of steps you can to reach your goal.

Can someone explain how to do this?

steps >/= 10,000 - 5,274

Thank You!

You are welcome.

To solve this problem, let's start by defining a variable. Let's use "x" to represent the number of additional steps you need to take in order to reach your goal.

Since you have already walked 5274 steps, the total number of steps you need to reach your goal is 10,000. Therefore, your inequality can be set up as follows:

5274 + x ≥ 10,000

To find the possible number of additional steps you need to take, we need to solve this inequality for "x."

Let's solve the inequality step by step:

1. Subtract 5274 from both sides of the inequality:
x ≥ 10,000 - 5274

2. Simplify the right side of the inequality:
x ≥ 4726

Therefore, the possible numbers of steps you can take to reach your goal is any number greater than or equal to 4726.

In summary, the inequality that represents the number of additional steps you need to take is x ≥ 4726.