In Chinese society, merchant class ranked below the

1. farmers and aristocrats

2. landowners and traders

3. aristocrats and priests ******

4. bankers and farmers

Please check my answer


Thanks Ms.Sue

That answer was wrong the right answer is farmers and aristocrats!!!!!!!!

V Vic fdcvdxfsnc

To check the accuracy of your answer, let's analyze the social hierarchy in Chinese society:

1. Farmers: In ancient China, farmers were considered crucial to the functioning of society as they produced food and played a significant role in sustaining the population. They were generally respected and held a respectable position in society.

2. Aristocrats: Aristocrats were the highest-ranking social class in ancient China. They held power and influence, having land and wealth passed down through generations. They often held high positions in the government and were esteemed members of society.

3. Priests: In ancient China, priests held a position of importance as they played a crucial role in religious ceremonies, rituals, and spiritual guidance. They were respected for their knowledge and connection to the divine.

4. Traders: Traders were a part of the merchant class in ancient China. While they contributed to economic growth and accumulated wealth, they were not as highly regarded as farmers, aristocrats, or priests.

Based on this analysis, your answer is incorrect. The correct option would be:

2. Landowners and traders.

This option accurately reflects that the merchant class ranked below both landowners (which can include aristocrats) and traders in ancient Chinese society.

farmers and astriocats is right
