In this story when are three way bimbos cleverness comes and helps save tito

The story name: The Dog of Pompeii

I have the same question but I can't find any answers.

In the story "The Dog of Pompeii," the cleverness of the three-way bimbos (assuming you meant three young boys) comes into play during the climax when they help save Tito. To understand this, let's break it down step-by-step:

1. Read the story: To find out exactly when and how the three boys' cleverness saves Tito, you need to read the story "The Dog of Pompeii." This story was written by Louis Untermeyer and is based on the tragic events of the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD.

2. Identify the main characters: As you mentioned, Tito is one of the key characters in the story. However, I'm not sure what you mean by "three-way bimbos." If you meant three young boys, it is important to identify their names and roles in the story. Reading the story will help you with this.

3. Follow the plot: As you read the story, pay attention to the different events and character interactions. Look for moments where the three boys' cleverness becomes significant. The story might build up to a specific incident where their cleverness helps save Tito.

4. Analyze the climax: Once you reach the climax, typically the most intense and critical part of the story, observe how the three boys' cleverness comes into play. Keep in mind that the clever action they take must somehow contribute to saving Tito's life or resolving a major conflict related to him.

By following these steps, reading the story, and paying attention to the plot, characters, and climax, you will be able to determine when and how the three boys' cleverness helps save Tito in "The Dog of Pompeii."