In Chinese society, the merchant class ranked below the

1. farmers and aristocrats

2. landowners and traders***

3. aristocrats and priests

4. bankers and farmers

Can someone please check my answer?

nope. See this.


I pick number 3 am I right?

To confirm your answer, let's break down the options:

1. Farmers and aristocrats: In Chinese society, farmers and aristocrats were regarded as separate classes, so this option is incorrect.

2. Landowners and traders: This option seems plausible because landowners and traders belonged to the merchant class in Chinese society. However, to verify this answer, we should consider the hierarchy of classes in Chinese society.

To determine the correct answer, it is helpful to understand the social structure in traditional Chinese society. The social hierarchy was often described as the "four occupations," which consisted of scholars, farmers, artisans, and merchants. Among these four occupations, farmers were generally ranked highest due to their perceived essential role in providing food for the nation. Below farmers, the ranking order varied, but merchants were typically placed below landowners.

Therefore, option 2, which states that the merchant class ranked below landowners and traders, is indeed correct.