trey drove 63 miles in minutes. if he drove at a constant rate, what is his speed in miles per hour

To find Trey's speed in miles per hour, we need to convert minutes to hours since speed is typically measured in miles per hour.

We know that Trey drove 63 miles in a certain number of minutes. Let's assume Trey drove for x minutes.

To convert minutes to hours, we divide the number of minutes by 60 (since there are 60 minutes in an hour):

x minutes ÷ 60 = x/60 hours

So, if Trey drove for x minutes, he drove for x/60 hours.

Now, we can find Trey's speed in miles per hour by dividing the distance he drove (63 miles) by the time he drove (x/60 hours):

Speed = 63 miles ÷ (x/60 hours)

Simplifying the expression:

Speed = (63 miles) × (60/x hours)

Speed = (63 × 60) / x miles per hour

Finally, we have the formula to find Trey's speed in miles per hour:

Speed = 3780 / x miles per hour

To calculate Trey's speed, we need to know how many minutes he drove.

Why didn't you respond to our requests for the detail you omitted?

How many minutes did she travel?