Create your own extended metaphor poem

(your own)

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how to create one?

what should it contain

It can contain anything you want -- so long as you keep to the extended metaphor.

In the realm of thought, where meanings dwell,

I craft an extended metaphor, to tell
Of life's tapestry, woven in words we find,
A melodic dance of heart and mind.

Let us embark on this poetic flight,
Where images mingle and senses ignite,
An intimate journey through realms unseen,
Where ideas take form and emotions convene.

I shall borrow the beauty of nature's might,
To lend my words wings, to take their flight,
Like a river flowing through valleys deep,
My metaphor shall meander, secrets to keep.

Imagine a garden, vibrant and lush,
Where truth and wisdom grow without hush,
Each flower a symbol, every leaf a clue,
A tapestry of meanings, ever anew.

The sun, a metaphor for hope's warm embrace,
Guiding us through life's uncertain maze,
Its rays, like truth, illuminate our way,
Dispelling shadows, turning night to day.

The moon, a metaphor for dreams untold,
A beacon of inspiration, casting stories bold,
Its silvery glow, a reminder to aspire,
To reach for the heavens, to aim ever higher.

The wind, a metaphor for freedom's call,
Whispering tales of adventure for all,
It carries our fears and doubts away,
Bringing solace and peace, as it gently sways.

The ocean, a metaphor for life's ebb and flow,
Its tides mirroring feelings that come and go,
A vast expanse, full of mystery and deep,
An ever-changing metaphor, secrets to keep.

And as our metaphor weaves its intricate tale,
It invites you to ponder, to reflect and unveil,
The hidden connections, the meanings deep,
To unlock life's riddles, as thoughts gently seep.

So, dear reader, in this metaphorical quest,
Discover the essence, for it knows best,
That life, like poetry, is a tapestry divine,
Woven with metaphors, intertwining sublime.