Which would be an important consideration for developing a preschool classroom?

A. Unlike kindergarten children, children at this age don't participate in long-term projects, so they don't need storage for longterm
B. You won't need a science or math center since children don't start these subjects until they're older.
C. You need a group gathering area.
D. You're required to have a number of potted trees and flowering plants in relation to the square footage of the center.

my answer is c.

D -- hahaha!

Yes, C is the right answer!

you funny Ms. Sue


You're welcome. :-)

Your answer is correct, option C is an important consideration for developing a preschool classroom. A group gathering area is essential in a preschool classroom as it promotes social interaction, group activities, and enhances communication and cooperation skills among children. This area can be a designated space where children come together for circle time, story time, group discussions, and other collaborative activities. It provides an opportunity for teachers to engage children in group learning experiences and establish a sense of community within the classroom. Having a dedicated group gathering area also helps in managing classroom transitions and creating a structured learning environment. Well done on selecting the correct option!