The value of a new car decreases by 35% in the first year. If a car costs $9,800 when new, how much less would it be worth at the end of the first year?





To find out how much less the car would be worth at the end of the first year, we need to calculate a 35% decrease in its value.

Step 1: Calculate the amount of decrease.
Multiply the original value of the car ($9,800) by the decimal equivalent of the percentage decrease (35% or 0.35):
$9,800 * 0.35 = $3,430

Step 2: Calculate the decreased value.
Subtract the amount of decrease from the original value:
$9,800 - $3,430 = $6,370

Therefore, the car would be worth $6,370 less at the end of the first year.

0.35 * 9,800 = ?