how would history be different if missouri compromise did not happen?

The Civil War might have been fought earlier than the 1860s.


You're welcome.

also thanks for the video made me relise more than i thought

If the Missouri Compromise did not happen, the course of history in the United States would have been significantly different. To understand how it could have altered history, let's first dive into the Missouri Compromise itself.

The Missouri Compromise was a legislation passed by the U.S. Congress in 1820, aimed at preserving the delicate balance between free and slave states in the nation. At that time, there was a growing sectional conflict between states that allowed slavery and those that did not. Missouri sought to join the Union as a slave state, which upset the balance in Congress.

To address the issue, the compromise admitted Missouri as a slave state while admitting Maine as a free state to maintain the balance. It also established a boundary line, known as the 36°30' parallel, where slavery was prohibited in the rest of the Louisiana Purchase territory north of this line.

If the Missouri Compromise did not happen, several potential scenarios emerge:

1. Unrestricted expansion of slavery: Without the compromise, there would be no boundary line prohibiting slavery in the future territories acquired by the United States. The Southern states, where slavery was prevalent, would have had a freer hand in expanding slavery to new territories. This could have accelerated the spread of slavery and deepened divisions between the North and South.

2. Escalation of tensions: The absence of the Missouri Compromise might have intensified the existing sectional conflicts and increased tensions between free and slave states. The debates over the expansion of slavery would likely have been even more contentious, potentially leading to earlier confrontations.

3. Erosion of the Union: The expansion of slavery into new territories could have further polarized the nation and weakened the bonds between states. If slavery became more entrenched in the political and economic fabric of the country, it could have ultimately led to a fracture or secession movements.

4. Different path towards Civil War: The absence of the Missouri Compromise might have altered the timeline and context of the American Civil War. While the compromise temporarily eased tensions, removing it could have accelerated the path to war as the conflict between free and slave states intensified.

It is important to note that historical events and their consequences can be highly speculative. However, by understanding the role and impact of the Missouri Compromise, we can draw insights into the potential ripple effects of its absence.