6.Suppose you have a drawer full of white, black, and yellow pairs of socks. If the probability of picking a white pair of socks is 4/9, and the probability of picking a black pair of socks is 7/18, what is the probability of picking a yellow pair of socks?

a. 1/6
b 5/25
c 7/15
d 16/27
suppose the probability that it rains in the next two days is 1/3 for tomorrow and 1/6 for the day after tomorrow.What is P(rain tomorrow, then rain the day after tomorrow)?
A. 1/2
Elizabeth has two identical number cubes. Both cubes have faces numbered 1 through 6. If elizabeth rolls each cube once, what is the probability that the sum of the two numbers on the top faces will be 10?
A. 1/36
b 1/12
c. 1/10
d 1/9

Ms. Sue, you did not help at all. I think you are a fake because the real Ms. Sue would've explained the problem and actually help rather than insulting a child. And even if you are the real Ms. Sue, what the hell is your problem, lady?? That is no attitude I have ever seen from an adult and if I had to be 100% honest, I'd say you have the maturity of an 8-year old.

Okay here is how to get the answer, since Ms. Sue literally didn't help at all.

First, in the question it said that the probability of the white socks are 4/9 and the black socks are 7/18. 7/18 can't be simplified and neither can 4/9, so, we'd have to multiply to get the denominators to be equal. 4/9 x 2 equals 8/18, so our denominators are now the same. Then, add the numerators. 7 + 8= 15. After that, you basically subtract 18-15 to get 3. Now, we have 3/18. Lastly, you simplify 3/18 to get 1/6. Therefore, the probability of the yellow socks is 1/6.

What's the answer then ? :/

Damn son

Ms. Sue that is really rude you a ahole

i got c

then c

Ruby that's not even an answer :ugh

To find the probability of picking a yellow pair of socks, we first need to determine the probability of picking a pair of socks that are not white or black. Since the three colors (white, black, and yellow) are exhaustive, the probability of not picking a white or black pair of socks can be calculated as the complement of the probabilities of picking a white pair and a black pair.

The probability of picking a white pair of socks is given as 4/9, which means that there is a 4/9 chance of picking a white pair. Similarly, the probability of picking a black pair of socks is given as 7/18, which means that there is a 7/18 chance of picking a black pair.

To find the probability of not picking a white or black pair, we subtract the probabilities of picking white and black pairs from 1 (since the sum of probabilities of all possible outcomes is 1):

P(not white or black) = 1 - P(white) - P(black)
= 1 - (4/9) - (7/18)
= 1 - 8/18 - 7/18
= 1 - (8 + 7)/18
= 1 - 15/18
= 1 - 5/6
= 1/6

Therefore, the probability of picking a yellow pair of socks is 1/6.

Answer: a. 1/6

To find the probability of rain tomorrow and then rain the day after tomorrow, we multiply the probabilities of rain on each day in order to find the joint probability.

The probability of rain tomorrow is given as 1/3, which means there is a 1/3 chance of rain. Similarly, the probability of rain the day after tomorrow is given as 1/6, which means there is a 1/6 chance of rain.

To find the probability of rain on both days, we multiply these probabilities together:

P(rain tomorrow, then rain the day after tomorrow) = P(rain tomorrow) * P(rain the day after tomorrow)
= (1/3) * (1/6)
= 1/18

Therefore, the probability of rain tomorrow, then rain the day after tomorrow is 1/18.

Answer: B. 1/18

To find the probability of the sum of the two numbers on the top faces of the number cubes being 10, we need to find the number of ways the sum of the two numbers can be 10 and divide it by the total number of possible outcomes.

The possible combinations of rolling the number cubes that yield a sum of 10 are:
- (4,6)
- (5,5)
- (6,4)

Therefore, there are 3 favorable outcomes.

Since each number cube has 6 faces and there are 2 number cubes, the total number of possible outcomes is 6 * 6 = 36.

Therefore, the probability of the sum of the two numbers being 10 is:

P(sum of 10) = favorable outcomes / total outcomes
= 3 / 36
= 1 / 12

Therefore, the probability of the sum of the two numbers on the top faces being 10 is 1/12.

Answer: B. 1/12

i got c - no

b - no
then c - no

I suggest you spend more time studying and practicing math next year.