there are 10 questions in a quiz competition 5 marks will be given for each Correct answer 3 marks will deducted for each wrong answer or no response m be the number answers and s be the obtained .write down the formula for calculating the marks obtained

Hmmm. If m is the number of correct answers, then

s = 5m-3(10-m) = 8m-30

To calculate the marks obtained in the quiz competition, you can use the following formula:

s = (5 * m) - (3 * (10 - m))

1. The maximum possible marks that can be obtained in the quiz are 5 marks per question, and since there are 10 questions, the maximum possible marks would be 5 * 10 = 50 marks.
2. The marks obtained in the quiz are calculated by multiplying the number of correct answers (m) by the marks given for each correct answer (5), and then subtracting the marks deducted for each wrong answer or no response (3).
3. Since there are 10 questions, the number of incorrect answers or no responses would be equal to 10 - m, and we multiply it by 3 to calculate the negative marks deducted.
4. Subtracting the negative marks from the positive marks gives us the total marks obtained (s) in the quiz.

Therefore, the formula for calculating the marks obtained (s) would be:
s = (5 * m) - (3 * (10 - m))