How do you pronounce 'hopeful'?

Can we omit 'p' in rapid reading?

No, you really can't omit "p" in hopeful. It's a key to understanding the word -- full of hope.

It's difficult to pronounce 'p' and 'f' together. Any ideas?

Why is it difficult? I have never thought about it. Try to say it not in a quick way. Separate the words - hope and full and that is all

When you make the letter "p", your lips are already almost in position to make the letter "f". Don't try to separate the word into two words, but pronounce those two letters in quick succession.

To pronounce the word "hopeful," follow these steps:

1. Start with the "h" sound, similar to exhaling your breath.
2. Move to the long "o" sound, like saying "oh."
3. Then, pronounce the "p" sound. Make a gentle puff of air by closing your lips and releasing them.
4. Finally, pronounce the "f" sound by placing your upper teeth on your lower lip and exhaling.

As for omitting the "p" in rapid reading, it's not recommended to omit any letters while reading. While it's true that in some cases, native speakers may skip or reduce certain sounds (like the "p" in "rapid reading") when speaking quickly or informally, it's important to learn the correct pronunciation of words and practice reading them to enhance your vocabulary, comprehension, and overall linguistic abilities. So, it's best to practice pronouncing all the sounds in words to ensure clear communication and language proficiency.