How much kinectic energy does a ball have when it is 25 meters from the ground with the potential energy of 1470J

(1/2 )m v^2 + m g h = 1470

Ke = 1470 - m(9.81)25

to get a numerical answer you need to know m

To calculate the kinetic energy of the ball, we need to know its mass. Without the mass of the ball, we cannot determine its kinetic energy accurately. The formula to calculate kinetic energy is:

Kinetic Energy (KE) = 0.5 * mass * velocity^2

However, since we do not have the velocity of the ball, we cannot determine the exact kinetic energy using this formula alone.

To determine the kinetic energy of the ball, we need to use the principle of conservation of energy, which states that the total mechanical energy (sum of kinetic and potential energy) remains constant in the absence of external forces.

The potential energy of an object near the Earth's surface is given by the equation:
Potential Energy = mass x gravitational acceleration x height

In this case, the potential energy is given as 1470J, and the height is 25 meters. However, we need more information to calculate the kinetic energy. Specifically, we need the mass of the ball or additional data related to its motion.

If we have the mass or any other relevant information, please provide it so we can proceed with the calculation.