Choose the correct function for "brackets" from the sentence below: my friend cooper needs to go to the orthodontists office on wednesday because one of his brackets is loose *

simple subject
object of preposition
direct object
predicate nominative***my choice


one of his brackets . . .

is it a simple subject

No --

(of his brackets)

Please do not post this again.

To determine the correct function for "brackets" in the given sentence, we need to identify how it is being used in relation to the rest of the sentence.

In the sentence, "one of his brackets is loose," "brackets" is effectively functioning as the subject of the verb "is." Therefore, the correct function for "brackets" is the simple subject.

To arrive at this answer, we can break down the sentence and identify the different elements:

- "one" -> indefinite article + adjective, indicating a specific bracket
- "of his" -> possessive pronoun, indicating ownership
- "brackets" -> noun, referring to the dental apparatus
- "is" -> verb, indicating the state or condition
- "loose" -> adjective, describing the condition of the bracket

By analyzing the sentence structure and understanding the roles of the different words, we can conclude that "brackets" is the simple subject.