While talking to Jim, Mary recalled that his birthday tomorrow. Mary wished him a happy birthday. What type of memory did Mary exhibit?

A. Event
  B. Implicit
  C. Explicit
  D. Numerical

is it B?

No. Check your text.


Is it A

I ment to put b implicit not a

the answer is A

The type of memory that Mary exhibited while talking to Jim is an event memory.

To determine this, we need to understand the different types of memory. There are two main types of memory: explicit and implicit. Explicit memory refers to conscious memories of facts and events that can be consciously recalled and expressed, while implicit memory is the unconscious memory of skills and habits.

In this case, Mary consciously recalled that Jim's birthday was tomorrow and wished him a happy birthday. This conscious recollection of an upcoming event is considered an event memory. Therefore, the correct answer is A. Event.