which of the following citations in a work cited page uses proper MLA style Please help do today! the examples are Paul, Smith. The Night on the river. New York: Penguin 1987.Print please write it out for me how it should look thanks.



@Yolo its B and E

If you are in connexus Unit 2 Lesson 8 the correct answers for the language arts quick check are

1. A,C,D

2. D

3. B,D

3 is E

come on guys d is wrong it is clearly e duhhhh

Thanks Izzy!! It helped me!! 100% EVERYONE IZY IS RIGHT!! THE GIRL ABOVE ME!! XD

izzy and the mathlete were 100%

Izzy and Mathlet where 100% right!

thx guys100

No the first on is A,C,,D