What goal led Israelis and Palestinians into conflict?

1} desire for independence and security
2) religious worship at the same temples
3) military dominance of region
4) political control of the same national government

I think 3 but could not find it in Discovery Education.

I think there's a better answer. Read lots and let us know what you decide.


I now think 1 is correct.

Thanks for your help.

You're welcome.

The goal that led Israelis and Palestinians into conflict is primarily related to political control of the same national government. The Israeli-Palestinian conflict stems from competing national aspirations, with both Israelis and Palestinians seeking to establish their own independent states in the same geographic territory.

To verify this answer, you can try searching for reliable sources or references that discuss the root causes of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Websites such as academic journals, news outlets, or research papers would be helpful in gaining a deeper understanding of the topic. Additionally, consulting books or documentaries on the subject may provide further insights. Remember to critically evaluate the credibility of your sources and cross-reference information from multiple reliable sources to form a well-rounded perspective.