Hi how do we rearrange this into y=mx+b form?


steps would be appreciated

To rearrange the equation into the y=mx+b form, you need to isolate the variable y on one side of the equation.

Here are the steps to do that:

1. Start with the equation: Ax + By = 8

2. First, move the term involving x to the other side of the equation by subtracting Ax from both sides:
Ax + By - Ax = 8 - Ax

Simplifying, you get:
By = -Ax + 8

3. Next, divide both sides of the equation by B to isolate y:
(By)/B = (-Ax + 8)/B

Simplifying, you get:
y = (-A/B)x + 8/B

So, the equation is now in the y=mx+b form where m=-A/B and b=8/B