Which sentence is the correct way to write.

A tick has no wings, but an insect does.

A tick has not wings but an insect does.

I would say the first one.

The first one

The first one.

The correct way to write the sentence is: "A tick has no wings, but an insect does."

To determine this, we need to consider the grammar rules regarding negation. When using a negative word like "no" to negate the presence of something, we generally use "no" followed by the plural form of the noun. Therefore, we say "no wings" to indicate the absence of wings in the case of a tick.

In the second sentence, "A tick has not wings but an insect does," the word "not" is used instead of "no," which is grammatically incorrect. Additionally, the word "wings" should be in the plural form since we are referring to the absence of wings in ticks and the presence of wings in insects.