Is 1/5 a

Irrational number

What do you think?

rational. Rational numbers can be written down as a ratio.

That means it can be written as a fraction, in which both the numerator (the number on top) and the denominator (the number on the bottom) are whole numbers. The number 8 is a rational number because it can be written as the fraction 8/1.

1/5 is a rational number.

To determine whether 1/5 is a rational or irrational number, we first need to understand the definitions of each.

Rational numbers can be expressed as the quotient or fraction a/b, where a and b are integers and b is not equal to 0. In other words, rational numbers can be written as fractions or decimal numbers that eventually terminate or repeat.

On the other hand, irrational numbers cannot be expressed as fractions. They are numbers that have non-terminating and non-repeating decimal representations. Examples of irrational numbers include √2, π (pi), and e.

1/5 is a rational number because it can be expressed as the fraction 1/5, where both 1 and 5 are integers.

In summary, 1/5 is a rational number.