Linda works 3 days per week at $6 per hour. If she works 4 hours per day how many weeks will it take Linda to earn $350?

3 * 4 * 6 * w = 350

72w = 350

w = 4.86 weeks

To calculate the number of weeks it will take Linda to earn $350, we need to determine how much she earns in one week and then divide $350 by her weekly earnings.

First, let's calculate Linda's weekly earnings:
Linda works 3 days per week, and on each day, she works 4 hours.
So, Linda works a total of 3 * 4 = 12 hours per week.
And she earns $6 per hour, so her weekly earnings are 12 * $6 = $<<12*6=72>>72.

Now that we know Linda's weekly earnings are $72, we can find out how many weeks it will take her to earn $350.
We divide $350 by $72 to get the number of weeks: $350 / $72 = 4.8611...

Since we can't have a fraction of a week, we need to round up to the nearest whole number, which means it will take Linda 5 weeks to earn $350.